Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
Old Fashioned Rolled Oats make a delicious, chewy, wholesome hot cereal that will give you lasting energy throughout the morning. Also a great choice for classic oatmeal raisin cookies, homemade granola, and oatmeal bread.

Old Fashioned Regular Rolled Oats make a deliciously wholesome, chewy, hot cereal that provides lasting energy all morning. This favorite breakfast cereal is a great way to start your day and add fiber to your diet. They're freshly milled from the highest quality oats available anywhere.
Oats as we know them today originate from the wild red oat, a plant with origins in Asia. Originally cultivated for medicinal purposes, they were used as animal feed for a long time before humans deemed them fit for consumption. Oats helped fuel the civil wars in Scotland and have deep roots in Great Britain, Germany and Scandinavia.
Today oats are widely accepted as nutritional powerhouses for dietary fiber and protein. Oats contain a special type of fiber that is especially good for the reduction of cholesterol called beta-glucan. Beta-glucans also aid in the support of the immune system and can help regulate blood sugar. They are also wonderful for soothing irritated skin when used in baths.
Ask the person next to you to name all the ways to eat oats, and "as oatmeal for breakfast" – would be the likely answer, followed quickly by "oatmeal cookies, granola, and granola bars." But that's only the beginning. There are many ways you can cook with oats. They make a great crispy coating; they extend meatloaf and burgers, while enhancing their juiciness; or they can make a savory side dish. Visit our recipe section for some of our favorite ways to enjoy oats.
Eating raw oats is generally safe, but may cause digestive issues or increase the risk of foodborne illness.
Eating raw oats is generally safe, but may cause digestive issues or increase the risk of foodborne illness.
To Your Good Health
As a continued commitment to the quality of the products we make and sell, this product has been certified Kosher by OK Kosher Certification of Brooklyn, New York.
Whole Grain
This product is made with nutritious whole grain. Check the Whole Grain Stamp on the package for more information.
All Bob’s Red Mill products are vegetarian. This product is also vegan, meaning it does not include eggs, dairy or honey.
Non-GMO Project Verified
Bob’s Red Mill products are made without the use of bioengineering and use ingredients grown from identity preserved seeds. Currently, more than 240 of our products have been verified with the Non-GMO Project. Visit NonGMOProject.org for the full list.